
We’ve got everything we need — every authorization and every standard in order to carry out any project management job. By your request, we will be glad to provide any reference you want for your perusal.

About Us

Who we are?

Since 2006, Best Work has specialized in management of construction projects in Israel and internationally and is still going strong. Our specialization covers a wide range of areas – project management in both the public and private sectors, from international stores to private homes.

What we do

Since 2006, Best Work has specialized in management of construction projects in Israel and internationally and is still going strong. Our specialization covers a wide range of areas – project management in both the public and private sectors, from international stores to private homes.

Our advantages

Management of any large scale project may sometimes involve financial risks as well as reputational risks for the customer. These risks can affect decision making in the business, and create uncertainty among customers and potential investors. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance to hire the services of a reputable and professional project management company. The latter will take into consideration the various important criteria and be in charge of accurate scheduling, knowledge management, and more. This will lead to the best possible results for your project management, draw a large audience, and arouse long-term interest.

Our values

Obligation Our clients know that the value of responsibility is important to us in every new project. It is important for us that each client knows that he always has someone to trust - this is a top priority for us.
Order By maintaining order in the management of each project, we make our work clear and transparent in the eyes of the client. Completing tasks in a clear and understandable way contributes to excellent collaboration.
Time We value the time of our clients and focus on getting the job done quickly to get the result as soon as possible, along with quality and professionalism.


Our guarantees, our successes

We proudly hold a variety of certificates and permits, for a variety of different work specifications. These certificates and permits constitute our guarantee to you, our clients, in the management of projects and all other works performed by us. By your request, we will provide all approvals and permits required by you.

Construction works

We possess all of the main permits, approvals and certificates required in order to perform the vast majority of execution works in the field of project management.

Special works

We work with unique clients, including multinational companies; therefore, the need often arises to carry out significantly unique projects. We of course possess these special, specific authorizations.

Professional services

We provide a wide range of professional services. By your request, we will provide supporting documentation for the permits.

Evgeniy Kabylinski

CEO of Best Work.

Best Work has been operating since 2006 under the leadership of Evgeny Kabilinski.
The company gained extensive experience and know-how in foreign and domestic construction projects.
Best Work’s particular expertise is managing projects in the luxury sectors, both public and private.


Working hard and getting a vast experience over many years, Evgeny managed to build the project management Best Work is today. A company that performs enormous jobs, in the highest standards, and in a very short time.


Evgeny left nothing to chance and focused on the little details: being oriented on all the latest technologies, a personal, individual and detailed approach to each work, working with the best, most reliable service providers, professionalism, continuous communication with the clients and ongoing reports throughout the project.


Nowadays, most luxury and boutique projects in Israel are performed by Best Work.

Abroad, we regularly perform various projects in the United Arab Emirates, Germany, UK, Qatar and more.


We work with the world’s leading brands, and are active in both the domestic and international sectors

Let's talk

Contact us.

Yavne 11, Kfar Saba

all rights reserved   |  @2022 made with

Studio Yulia Orman 


Yavne 11, Kfar Saba

all rights reserved    |    @2022 made with Studio Yulia Orman

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